Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year's "Resolution"

It's the new year! I'm not much of a fan of new year's resolutions, but my friend and I decided to follow Jillian Michaels' Making The Cut book so we have accountability to get in better shape. The timing just happened to be right after the holidays since we were both going to be gone for the holidays without access to the gym. You may know the author as the scary trainer lady on the Biggest Loser... definitely intimidating, but I'm up for the challenge!

So far I've completed week 1- I've been sore beyond belief almost this whole week because of the boot camp type exercises, but it's a good feeling! Plus, the food I can eat is normal- none of this shake only or no carbs stuff that I wouldn't be able to stick to. For example, below are the foods I ate this week:

Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
Oatmeal (my usual at work)
Yogurt with frozen berries

Spinach salad with grilled chicken, bell peppers, avocados, and a sprinkling of wild rice
Brown rice and Asian chicken

As a snack I had either some almonds, an apple, a tangerine, or munched on some more cereal.

Brown rice and Asian-flavored chicken
Wild Rice with Moroccan spice grilled chicken and spinach salad
Curried Tilapia with eggplant

We'll see how it goes for the next 3 weeks but it helps to have an accountability partner even though we don't work out together! I'm on my way to being the strongest me to prepare for the rest of 2010!

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