Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jeremy's First Gochi

I really enjoy going to Gochi, as does my roommate Angela, but my fiance Jeremy has never gone and has wanted to go since everyone talks about it. Four of us finally went: my Mom, my maid of honor Jessica, Jeremy, and I. He met up with us after a busy day of dress shopping for me-fairly successful I believe. I didn't actually get the dress yet, but basically narrowed it down to two, leaning towards one, and trying to be okay with the price.

Anyway, back to dinner at Gochi. We got a few things that I have gotten before like the daikon salad which is good (not fabulous) and HUGE. I had forgotten how big that thing was! We also got the fried chicken and eggplant with a ponzu type dish that I love. We also got a kimchi pork clay pot where the girls all wanted the nice crispy rice parts- it's the best part! We also got a few new items: "kabocha mochi" which is mashed japanese pumpkin with cheese inside and I believe grilled with a soy saucy flavor on the outside to really make it have the texture of mochi. It is then wrapped in seaweed just like you would eat a plain mochi! I really enjoyed it so I hope it is there next time I go. We also got grilled squid which was new and just okay, not huge flavor, nothing special. I can't remember if we got anything else, but we sure did get dessert.

My mom saw a dessert come out at a different table and wanted it. It ended up being delicious green tea tiramisu with red bean on top. It is definitely not like the usual tiramisu, but I'd say it was very tasty! The other dessert we shared was black sesame ice cream which I had before and enjoyed. I didn't know how Jeremy would like either of them but he liked both, especially the tiramisu! No wonder I love the guy! He likes what I eat, and everybody KNOWS how important food is to me!! :) Yay Gochi!

1 comment:

Patti said...

I love green tea tiramisu! There's this sushi place in Chicago that has it for dessert and I always get it.

Also, I only just discovered that you were engaged! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and I hope wedding preparations are going wonderfully. :)