Thursday, August 27, 2009

Getting Ready for Japanese Cooking Galore Month

The time to execute my Japanese Cooking Galore Month is approaching! 30 dishes in 30 days... After much thought about all the events in September, such as being gone for Labor Day weekend, friend's birthdays, and both Jeremy and my birthdays, I have a feeling that there will be quite a lot of days where I can't cook dinner at home... so I'm starting this weekend to swap with Labor Day weekend!

I went shopping today at the Asian market for pretty much the first week's worth. My list for the first week is as follows (in order for now but that may change):
Chicken Teriyaki
Pickled vegetables
Miso-flavored Stir Fry
Sushi rolls
Miso Soup
Takikomi rice
Tofu Burger

It seems like a lot for the first week but some are side dishes and some are less labor intensive so two items can be made in one day. Besides, I think now is going to be less event filled than later in the month. Next week is going to be close week, but hopefully I have picked things that aren't too difficult, even if I get home a little later than usual. Hopefully nothing blows up at work and off we go!

Stay tuned for day by day picture updates :)
Comments are obviously always welcome!

1 comment:

ellie said...

i volunteer for any taste testing! =P