Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coca Restaurant

This week is going to be the week of eating out.  Tuesday I went to dinner with Alvin and Christina at Coca Restaurant, a Thai steam boat restaurant on the 4th Floor of Takashimaya Ngee Ann City.  We ended up getting the buffet dinner so they brought out whatever we asked for, ranging from crab, house special wontons, thinly sliced beef, greens, fishballs, to noodles. After everything cooked together, the chicken broth was so delicious!  The only bad thing is that the broth is the best at the end, but you're so full that you can't drink anymore!  Next time I'll eat slower just so I can have more of the yummy soup.  They also serve a delicious chili sauce with the steam boat/hot pot. It reminded me a little of the chili crab sauce because it isn't too spicy but a good combination of spicy with a little hint of sweetness.  My favorite items were the greens, the fish goo, the crab (even though it's a chore to get to the crab meat), and the thin slices of beef.  The fish ravioli isn't too great because there isn't much filling, and it uses a thicker, pasta-like wrapper.  I much prefer the soft wonton wrapper.  It was a very satisfying meal, especially because I have been getting tired of greasy foods and I love soup! Thanks Alvin & Christina!

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