Sunday, June 29, 2008

More New Foods For Lyzz

Lyzz tried a lot of new things while she was in Singapore with me.  She wanted to try durian and some local desserts, so we combined them and ate a durian ice kacang at Maxwell Hawker Center. She thought durian was good too!  The smell wan't too bad to her either, so I'm not the only abnormal foreigner that likes the fruit!  The ice kacang was better than the last one I tried because it wasn't as sweet as the last one.  The really bright colors still aren't ideal in things I consume, but it's good with the items on the bottom.  There are red beans, grass jelly, fruit jellies, and surprisingly corn! I love having shaved ice in hot times!
Another thing I had her eat, was a literal ice cream sandwich.  All the uncles with the ice cream carts on the street give you a selection of ice creams that they cut 
for you from a block of ice cream. Then, you can choose to put it between wafers, in a cup, or in a slice of colorful bread!  Before, I tried the sweet corn ice cream with Jeremy, but this time I tried the yam ice cream (I have liked all the yam desserts here).  Lyzz just got a strawberry-vanilla swirl, but we both enjoyed the sandwich.  The bread has a hint of sweetness on its own, but I'm not sure if that is just plain white asian bread.  Who knows, but all I can say the combination seems odd but its fantastic!

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