Friday, June 20, 2008

Intro & Purpose

Whenever I'm with friends and family, I always seem to get into some sort of food conversation.  Even with people I just met, we immediately connect over something related to food.  Coincidence? I think not!  Food has a magic ability to bring people together, especially when I meet people that love food as much as I do!  I've always dreamed about eating my way around the world... then I realized that I've already been to a lot of countries and eaten a LOT of good (as well as not so good) food, but I just don't have any evidence to remember all the adventures!  

Food writing has always been pushed to "I'll do it later when I have time" which is usually never. That stops now.  I'm currently in Singapore, a land of many good eats, and I have more time at night and on weekends then when I'm home in California, so no more excuses.  Amy's food blog has launched! 

In this blog, I'm going to write about anything and everything that makes me happy: pictures of tasty treats, restaurant reviews, experimental cooking adventures, foods and places that must be tried/visited in and outside of the US, special food events, funny signs... ANYTHING! So won't you join me as I aim to enjoy the tasty things in life?

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