Friday, June 27, 2008

Gluttons Bay With Lyzz

Lyzz is visiting for a few days and we're having a fabulous time!

We went local the first night and went to Gluttons Bay Hawker Center next to the Esplanade. It tends to be a litle more expensive than usual hawker centers, because of the beautiful view by the water and it is supposed to be where good stalls are brought together.  It was only two of us so I couldn't have her eat everything, but we tried some of the unique/unusual stuff.  Of course I forgot to take a picture of the most unusual one, grilled stingray with chili.  It actually just tastes like white fish, but I like it with some of the chili sauce grilled in.  It's good to balance the spice with plain white rice, but the rice isn't very good here... very dry...  But my tolerance for spicy has definitely gone up since living here! 
I also had her try Kaya toast even though it is usually a breakfast or snack food, but hey if we don't have much time, who cares when we eat it!  It is a type of jam I would say made with coconut and egg (plus sugar obviously). I really like it but I've heard that coconut is high in cholesterol because of the high fat content, but there's much debate, so I'll go with my usual motto: "Everything in moderation!" (or at least try)
We also had carrot cake which isn't the American carrot cake 
dessert we would immediately think of.  It is actually like the radish cakes that they serve at dim sum places- I love that stuff!  In Singapore, they offer a black kind that is a bit sweeter.  They cut up the cake pieces and pan fry it with a sweet black sauce and other little veggies.  This time though, we tried the white version which we were told was more salty, and since neither of us had tried it, we said let's try it!  We thought it was just going to be pan fried cake without the sweet sauce, but it actually ended up being more of a radish cake omelet.  I'm not a huge egg fan, so I personally like the black version better, but it was still okay.

Also, this goes for the next post as well, but apologies for not remembering to take a picture before we started eating... but better than nothing right??

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